Thursday, March 3, 2011


Bam, bam, pow! Slams down and SPLAT! The blood splatters everywhere. Upon my face, upon my pants, all of it, all of it, all over me.

My teeth glimmer in the sunset and I push the soulless body out the window. I jump out after it. We're on the first floor, so don't worry. I push through the bushes and emerge a victorious man!

I beat them! I beat four men in under four minutes! I throw my knife under their car and I run. I run straight down the street, with blood covering me. The skies went gray and I felt it oncoming.

It was starting. It was starting and mission truly began.

The skies were already gray. It's fucking Winter, of course they're goddamn gray. No I meant like, they changed. You can't see it though. I can. It's fun to watch and see and look at it. All these waves fluttering through the sky, lost and aimless.

But I could see the worst of it. I could feel the worst of it. Something horrible happened. Something bad. Well, for humanity. Not for me. In my case, good. Very good.

It was February 27th and I was in southern California but I could feel the Exordium begin, even from a thousand miles away. The best part was, it hadn't even really begun yet.

It was around 8 when it truly, truly began. Humanity had finally committed the great fuckup.

It's been three days since the Exordium ocurred and nothing's been the same since.

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